Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Personal History

I am going to Talk About my own personal history and historical influences, focusing on the major historical issues of language, religion, immigration, and economics.
I Speak English My Mom Is From Jamaica My Dad Is From The U.S. My Mom moved To America. She Said Why i forgot but as soon as i Get that information i will update this blog. My mom speaks Jamaican but Mostly English. My Dad is From New York So he Speaks English. My aunts an uncles All Speak Jamaican On My Moms side of the family. On my Dads side they all speak English. Many Jamaicans Moved To America I Will Have The Updated Information On How Many Soon. Some Jamaicans Brought their Culture With Them Food Cooking Styles Plants And Hair styles.
My family's religion is Pentecostal, Christian I am too. i Have Been To five Different Churches So Has my mom and Brother. I Go to Church Every Sunday and Pray every night. My Mom prays every night An Goes to Church. none of my Churches are Close to home One Was Over A Bridge An another Is Not far From Jamaica Ave, Another is In Texas,Huston An i for got where the others where.
I have never immigrated, Meaning I never Moved to anther Country Or State.
My economics, I for Got what That is But Im Going To get the informatoin An update this Blog.
Thank u For reading Another one of my Blogs

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